
Become a part of the growing Kinsale Chess Mates community! As we lay the foundation for our club, we’re excited to extend an invitation to chess enthusiasts of all levels. By becoming a member, you’ll gain access to exclusive benefits, including:

Club Meetings: Participate in our regular club meetings where you can connect with fellow players, discuss strategies, and engage in friendly matches.

Learning Opportunities: Access to workshops, tutorials, and lessons tailored to both beginners and experienced players, helping you enhance your skills and knowledge.

Tournaments: Enjoy the thrill of competition in our club’s chess tournaments, designed to challenge and showcase your strategic prowess.

Social Events: Take part in social gatherings and events where you can enjoy chess alongside like-minded individuals who share your passion.

Membership at Kinsale Chess Mates is the gateway to a supportive and engaging chess experience.

The annual membership fee at Kinsale Chess Mates is €30 for one child, or there is a family membership for €50 if more than one child in your family would like to join.

Every member over 16 needs to be Garda vetted.

Please click below to become a member: